3rd NMR Young Researchers Meeting

In 2021, among the young members of the Specialized group of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (GERMN) of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) arose an initiative. The objective was to bring together young researchers dedicated to NMR in order to know each other, establish a network of contacts and present and discuss their results with their peers. However, due to Covid-19 pandemic, this meeting was held online.

During the 13th and 14th of April of 2023, the 2nd NMR Symposium for young researchers took place with huge success in the former Rocasolano Institute of Physical Chemistry, (now Blas Cabrera Institute of Physical Chemistry) in Madrid, Spain.

This year, some of the young members of the geRMN have taken over the responsability to form a new executive comittee to organize the 3rd edition of this event.

We expect to see you on the 19 & 20 of September 2024 !!!

More information below!

Keep in mind this website is currently being updated along our preparations for the event proceed. Expect some changes in the sections marked in red.

Registration to 3rd geRMN Junior Symposium (19-20 September ) includes conference and exhibition entrance, coffee breaks and lunches.
Everyone who registers will have the opportunity (and is encouraged to) give an oral communication

It is best to register as soon as possible, since the number of speakers will be limited by the capacity of the room and the duration of the event.
In case of registrations exceeding the ammount of feasible participants, priority will be assigned based on registration date.
All participants are required to register through the online registration system; see below.

💰 Congress registration fees:

  • Members of geRMN: FREE
  • Members of RSEQ: FREE
  • Others: 50 €

To become member of the GERMN, applicants should join the RSEQ, and then request incorporation to the GERMN.
There are reduced fees for young members (25€)

Important deadlines:

  • Registration: 31-July-2024
  • Abstract Submission: 31-July-2024

    📝 Please do your registration here: [Registration form]

    You will receive a confirmation e-mail and an invoice for the registration fee.

    📨 Abstract submission: [Download template]

    Once registered, in order to give an oral communication, you must send us the abstract of your communication before 31-July-2024 using the template (download through the link above) to germnjr1@gmail.com with the subject «Name-Surname-GERMN-Junior-Abstract».

    🌍 Travel aids for RSEQ members:

    Some member of the RSEQ migth get a travel aid for assisting this meeting. Some RSEQ branches have agreed to collaborate with us on this matter.
    If you need a travel aid please send us an e-mail to
    germnjr1@gmail.com with the subject «Name-Surname-TRAVEL-AID» Indicating:

    • From where are you planning to come
    • Which branch of the RSEQ are you part of

    Keep in mind: As of June 2024, only the following RSEQ branches have agreed with us to collaborate with travel aids for those of their members whom will assist to this meeting:

    Other branches might be added to this list in the future.

    The 3rd NMR Young Researchers Meeting will take place on the 19 and 20th of September of 2024 at CIB-Margarita Salas (see Location section below).
    Below these lines is a tentative timetable, keep in mind it might be subject to changes and updates as the date gets near and people registers.19:00-21:30

    Thursday 19
     Friday 20 
    09:00-09:15RegistrationSponsored talk – Bruker
    09:45-10:00Oral communication 18
    10:00-10:15Oral communication 19
    10:15-10:30Welcome & Opening remarksBreak
    10:30-10:45Invited lecturer 1Oral communication 20
    10:45-11:00Oral communication 21
    11:00-11:15Oral communication 22
    11:15-11:30Oral communication 1Oral communication 23
    11:30-11:45Oral communication 2Oral communication 24
    11:45-12:00Coffee BreakCoffee Break
    12:15-12:30Oral communication 3Oral communication 25
    12:30-12:45Oral communication 4Oral communication 26
    12:45-13:00Oral communication 5Oral communication 27
    13:00-13:15Oral communication 6Oral communication 28
    13:15-13:30Oral communication 7Oral communication 29
    15:00-15:15Oral communication 8Oral communication 30
    15:15-15:30Oral communication 9Oral communication 31
    15:30-15:45Oral communication 10Oral communication 32
    15:45-16:00Oral communication 11Oral communication 33
    16:00-16:15Oral communication 12Short break
    16:15-16:30Coffee breakOral communication 34
    16:30-16:45Oral communication 35
    16:45-17:00Oral communication 13Invited Lecturer 2
    17:00-17:15Oral communication 14
    17:15-17:30Oral communication 15
    17:30-17:45Oral communication 16Awards & Closing remarks
    17:45-18:00Oral communication 17
    18:00-18:15Short breakFarewell!!
    18:15-18:30Sponsored Workshop – Magritek

    Two rising stars in NMR research will present their paths up to their current position and will tell us a bit of their current goals. Do not miss the chance to meet them!

    Belén Chaves Arquero, PhD.
    Scientist and NMR expert at Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine.

    Miguel Monpeán García, PhD.
    Tenured scientist at IQF Blas Cabrera – CSIC.

    «Margarita Salas» National Young Investigator Award, 2023.

    There will be a «bites and networking» on the eve of the 19th of September.

    Location will be anounced soon, be sure to check this web again!

    Are you the representative of a company involved in research and/or NMR?
    Would you like to appear on the top picture along some of the most relevant companies on the field?

    Join us at the NMR Young Researchers Congress 2024 !!

    We invite you to seize the opportunity to align with innovation and cutting-edge research at the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ)’s NMR Young Researchers Congress 2024. As a distinguished sponsor, you’ll be at the forefront of advancing scientific knowledge and positioning your brand among the leaders in the field.

    Showcase your brand to a targeted audience of young researchers and industry professionals. Featured logo placement on event materials and official merchandise based on sponsorship categories. Customize your sponsorship to fit your marketing objectives and budget.

    Contact us (see contact information below) to discuss how your brand can seamlessly integrate into this prestigious event. Elevate your company’s profile, support the next generation of scientists, and contribute to the future of scientific exploration!

    Thank you for considering this unique sponsorship opportunity!

    Book of abstracts will be displayed here once the booking process is complete.

    The Executive Committee of the 3rd GERMN Junior Symposium is formed by seven young researchers, in different stages of their PhD, involved in the NMR field and one of the members of the GERMN board:

    Paula Flores
    Predoctoral researcher at CIB Margarita salas – CSIC.

    Paola Oquist
    Predoctoral researcher at Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).

    Jona Ramirez
    Predoctoral researcher at CICCartuja – CSIC.

    Gabriel Rocha
    Predoctoral researcher at CICCartuja – CSIC.

    Antonio Ruiz
    Predoctoral researcher at CIB Margarita salas – CSIC.

    Pablo Valverde, PhD.
    Postdoctoral researcher at CICBioGune.

    Maria Vila
    Predoctoral researcher at CIB Margarita salas – CSIC.

    Laura Castañar, PhD.
    Talent Attraction Research Fellow at Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).

    Previous Editions

    I202107-08 OctoberHeld online
    II202313-14 AprilIQF (CSIC)