Dr. Ignacio Alfonso will be teacher at the XV Manuel Rico NMR School in June 2023
“Learning NMR has drastically broaden my mind giving access to transversal knowledge in different disciplines like chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics, thus providing extremely valuable tools for professional careers in science”
Dr. Jesús Angulo will be teacher at the XV Manuel Rico NMR School in June 2023
“My research interests focus on the detection, structural and energetic characterisation of low-affinity receptor-ligand interactions, where NMR spectroscopy plays a predominant role.”
Dr. Eurico Cabrita will be teacher at the XV Manuel Rico NMR School in June 2023
“I have learned the invaluable lessons of precision, patience, and attention to detail that NMR demands, and I appreciate the vital role that NMR plays in elucidating the structures and dynamics of molecules.”
Dr. Rodrigo Carbajo will be teacher at the XV Manuel Rico NMR School in June 2023.
“NMR is the common thread in my scientific career that has allowed me to explore fields such as Chemistry, Structural Biology and Drug Discovery”
Dr. Laura Castañar will be teacher at the XV Manuel Rico NMR School in June 2023
“I’m an enthusiastic NMR spectroscopist working on the understanding, development and application of NMR. Do you want to know more about the amazing things you can do with NMR? Join us and let’s have fun learning NMR!”
Dr. Iñaki Delso will be teacher at the XV Manuel Rico NMR School in June 2023
“NMR is the perfect partner for curiosity, it has always helped me find answers to What, How and Why.”
Dr. Tammo Diercks will be teacher at the XV Manuel Rico NMR School in June 2023
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Platform Manager
Dr. Iola Duarte will be teacher at the XV Manuel Rico NMR School in June 2023
“I am fascinated by the valuable clues that the metabolic profile of cells can give us about their biochemical state and functions.”
Antonio Fernández will be teacher at the XV Manuel Rico NMR School in June 2023
“Discover the inside out of NMR”
Dr. Ignacio Fernández will be teacher at the XV Manuel Rico NMR School in June 2023
“My initial exposure to NMR was during my PhD, when I used it to scope out the stuff I made and to figure out how the heck the reactions worked. Since then, NMR is at the center of everything we do in the NMRMBC crew.”
Dr. Marga Gairí will be teacher at the XV Manuel Rico NMR School in June 2023
“NMR has allowed me to enjoy doing things that I specially love: learning and teaching. And also being close to young students and researchers.”
Dr. Silvia Lope will be teacher at the XV Manuel Rico NMR School in June 2023
Silvia Lope Piedrafita is in charge of the MRI platform of the Autonomous University of Barcelona equipped with a Bruker BioSpec 7T spectrometer for in-vivo nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy. She works on the development, implementation and optimization of imaging and spectroscopy (MRI/MRS) techniques at high magnetic field for biomedical, biological and food science applications.
Dr. Luis Mafra will be teacher at the XV Manuel Rico NMR School in June 2023
Principal Researcher at CICECO – Aveiro Institute of Materials, University of Aveiro
Dr. Borja Mates will be teacher at the XV Manuel Rico NMR School in June 2023.
“As a NMR spectroscopist, one learns how sensitive nuclear spins are to the chemical environment, as scientists, our environment determines how we resonate and I am determined to reinforce a dynamic and exciting magnetic resonance community.”
Dr. Oscar Millet will be teacher at the XV Manuel Rico NMR School in June 2023
“I apply a pinch of NMR everywhere: it is not the best technique for almost anything, but it is most useful for about everything!”
Dr. Jose Neira will be teacher at the XV Manuel Rico NMR School in June 2023
“NMR is a slow technique, so I have learnt from NMR to be patient”.
Dr. David Pantoja will be teacher at the XV Manuel Rico NMR School in June 2023
NMR Facility Manager of the LMR node of the ICTS-LRB.
Dr. Ignacio Pérez-Victoria will be teacher at the XV Manuel Rico NMR School in June 2023
«I am experienced in the application of high-resolution NMR spectroscopy to elucidate the fascinating and frequently challenging chemical structures of bioactive microbial natural products»
Dr. Guido Pintacuda will be teacher at the XV Manuel Rico NMR School in June 2023
“My passion for the dancing spins? 25-year delay, but no sign of decay!”
Dr. Esteban Urriolabeitia will be teacher at the XV Manuel Rico NMR School in June 2023
“What started as a degree subject has become an essential tool for my research (everything must be verified in a 5mm tube), and even a topic of research in itself. And that moment when everything fits together and is explained is truly motivating!”