The GERMN Biennial Meetings started in 2002 in Calella de Mar (Barcelona) as a forum to exchange innovative ideas, advance knowledge and discuss research challenges and key issues in the field of NMR spectroscopy, boosting effective collaborations and promoting the establishment of networks among the Spanish and international NMR community. In this edition, particular attention will be given to advances and recent developments on biomacromolecules, solid-state NMR, metabolomics, small molecules and methodological aspects. The scientific program will include a number of invited conferences given by internationally renowned researchers, scientific oral and flash communications, poster sessions and a satellite workshop to the conference in the afternoon of Saturday October 15th. The participation of young researchers is a distinguishing feature of GERMN Meetings. To encourage the involvement of PhD and postdoc students in the Conference, prizes will be awarded to the best five oral, flash and poster presentations of a value each of 500 €, 300 € and 100 €, respectively, together with the availability of a number of bursaries to support cost associated with their participation in the Meeting. The recovered face-to-face environment will facilitate the interaction among delegates. To this end, social activities including a welcome reception, sponsored luncheons and the conference dinner have been planned. All necessary precautions will be taken to ensure the health and safety issues for the duration of the conference.